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webinar deliveryTips

market your presentation

do a technology warm-up

make your laptop & projector cooperate
common problems & solutions

avoid meaningless words
10 overused words with appropriate substitutes

delivery MYTH-TAKES
public speaking mistakes

develop an infomercial
introduce yourself. Tell your audience who you are and what you do

develop rapport
take at least 30 seconds — even a few minutes — to introduce your material before getting into the heart of the material

acknowledge your audience
know something about your audience and design your talk for them find an opportunity to praise them

stay in the limelight
keep the room well lit to keep the audience’s attention
don’t darken the room too much if you use slides or other visuals

tell stories — don’t just collect facts
stories are the best way to illustrate points
don’t totally rely on statistics, data, charts and quotes

avoid data dump
keep to 3 core messages. often presenters have a broad focus and provide too much detail on a subject

provide hand-outs last
avoid hand-outs before you start your presentation or the audience will be distracted

build in time for questions
always allow a few minutes to respond to questions and answers

never say thank you
your audience should be thanking you
end with a memorable hook instead of a limp thank you

know what time it is
arrive early, start on time, & keep to time guidelines to ensure you will be remembered positively

tips . . . easier read 
than done

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