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trainingProgram3   messaging

structure wins & message-based always works

structure never lets you down. it's the foundation for message-based presentations that leave no room for audience misunderstaning - they're clear, focused &  
always successful

who benefits?
- professionals, executives, entrepreneurs who make 
  presentations, internally & externally
- communications, graphics & A/V staff

develop an infomercial l know your audience l  
planned scripts l build your message l learning styles

learn how to
make yourself credible in front of any audience
- keep your audience's interest during the entire session
- position your ideas to meet audience needs
- use memorable examples
- develop a planned script not a canned script

coaching - participants deliver a prepared, industry-related presentation during the workshop & receive 1-on-1 coaching

practice video
- optional

$$$  pricing & availability individually quoted
       customized programs on request

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visual design  delivery skills


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