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use several design templates in powerpoint

handout print options
broadcast powerpoint presentations to small groups

amigo 2000
charting add-in for Microsoft Office — demo download

download FREE powerpoint viewer 2003

small application enables powerpoint users to share presentations with people who do not use powerpoint — view full-featured presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions

famous quotes & quotations

best quotes & familiar quotations

Canadian spelling dictionary
comprehensive list of common words & phrases spelled in Canadian English as compared to American & British English

nonVerbal dictionary

center for nonverbal studies — gestures, signs & body language

homonyms, homophones, homographs & heteronyms
confusing word pairs & triplets

or worldlingo
translate documents in seconds

clipArt, photography, fonts & templates

screen beans clip art
designed specifically for business professionals, trainers, educators, project managers & managers

easy to understand metaphors communicate issues of daily business life, meetings, & training sessions
subscription-based graphics resource for more than 2.5 million clipart images, animations, photos, fonts & sounds! 

microsoft clipArt gallery live

joe's original WAV files
original wave files - suitable for attaching to Windows files

sample & sound effects downloads

pick of the crop

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